Sunday School


Sunday Worship


Wed Bible Study


Church in the Community

21 August 2024 at 6:00pm
Remmi's in Gilbertown!
We are meeting for a time of devotion, a time of fellowship, and to share a meal! Come out and join us!

Baptism Service

Sunday, 08 September 2024
We are going to have Baptism after service Sunday, 08 September. If you have recently given your life to Jesus and would like to follow in Believer's Baptism, if you seek to join Mosley Bridge church by statement of Baptism, if you have never been Baptized and would like to be - please reach out to Pastor Daniel and let him know!


22 September 2024!
Homecoming will be Sunday morning into afternoon on 22 September. Please plan to join us! We will have guest singers, a guest speaker, plenty of food, fellowship - and we would love to have you as well!! Come see us, and let's seek Jesus together!

22 - 25 September 2024 REVIVAL

Following our Homecoming, we are seeking Revival! We have invited Hal Daigre to come lead us as we seek a refreshing Word from Jesus. Everyone is invited to come!
More details to follow.